Some microorganisms from the BMG-workshop at the "NSG Unteres Odertal ", BB, Germany, 2022
After a two-year COVID break, a microscopy workshop was held again at the "Wildnisschule Teerofenbrücke"at the end of May. As in the years before, a focus was on the study of on the "aufwuchs" on slides that had been exposed a few days earlier in various places on the side arms of the Oder. A heartily "Thank you" to R. and U. Szewzyk for preparing and organizing this workshop!.
The focus of my own observations was the study of (dry) mosses and ephemeral waters for rotifers. Some previously never seen morphotypes were discovered, such as a not yet described form of Adineta, as well as the species Philodina duplicalcar and Macrotrachela aculeata. Unfortunately the location where of a new morphotype of Adineta had been found in 2019 had been rebuilt, so that it was not possible to take new samples for molecular anyalysis. A list of all species found so far can be found here >> .
First observation of this species in the nature reserve NSG "Unteres Odertal". This has also been the first time that a species of Dicranophoridae has found in lange quantities in a single sample/ location. More on this here >>>